/* * projekt_wyklad_3.c * * Created: 2020-10-10 09:45:33 * Author : Zbyszek */ #include "sam.h" #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" unsigned long int ci=0, cp=0, ct=0, placebo=0; char h1=0, h2=0; TaskHandle_t xHandle1 = NULL, xHandle2 = NULL; QueueHandle_t xQueue; //TimerHandle_t xTimers[2/* NUM_TIMERS */]; /* Define an enumerated type used to identify the source of the data. */ typedef enum { eSender1, eSender2 } DataSource_t; /* Define the structure type that will be passed on the queue. */ typedef struct { uint8_t ucValue; DataSource_t eDataSource; } Data_t; /* Declare two variables of type Data_t that will be passed on the queue. */ static const Data_t xStructsToSend[ 2 ] = { { 100, eSender1 }, /* Used by Sender1. */ { 200, eSender2 } /* Used by Sender2. */ }; void vApplicationIdleHook( void ) { ci++; } void vApplicationTickHook( void ) { long fh= xPortGetFreeHeapSize(); //uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(&xHandle1); //uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(&xHandle2); ct++; } void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t xTask, char *pcTaskName ) { for(;;); } void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void ) { for(;;); } void vApplicationDaemonTaskStartupHook( void ) { ci=0; cp=0; ct=0; } void vTaskCode1( void * pvParameters ) { unsigned char p = 1; //(unsigned char) pvParameters; h1=1; // configASSERT( ( ( uint32_t ) pvParameters ) == 1 ); //PORTB=(1<>>>>>> wersja_5 ======= <<<<<<< HEAD // komentarz zdalna edycja 5 >>>>>>> origin/wersja_zdalna_2 //ISR(BADISR_vect) //{ // for(;;);// user code here //} <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD // komentarz 300 i 400 ======= // komentarz zdalna edycja 6 po galezi >>>>>>> origin/wersja_zdalna_2 //ISR(BADISR_vect) //{ // for(;;);// user code here //} <<<<<<< HEAD // komentarz 3000 i 4000 ======= // komentarz 3 i 4 oraz 5 i 6 >>>>>>> wersja_5 //ISR(BADISR_vect) //{ // for(;;);// user code here //} ======= // komentarz zdalna edycja 7 po galezi zdalnej 2 //ISR(BADISR_vect) //{ // for(;;);// user code here //} ======= >>>>>>> 271502b08d2c496d81b2476277453e44ad52af4b >>>>>>> origin/wersja_zdalna_2